Oakleigh Financial may charge a transaction fee, an hourly rate, flat fee or asset scaled fee for certain specialist advice or portfolio monitoring. Fees will be disclosed and agreed with you when arranging your account. Research, market and company information are provided free of charge.
Details about how we charge are found in our Financial Services Guide (FSG). A summary of our base fees and charges are outlined below. Fees may vary subject to negotiation with your adviser. For more information, please contact your adviser at +61 8 8470 9060 or email: invest@oakleighfs.com.
Typical Fees & Charges
Adviser service fee: typical fee either an agreed flat fee (usually paid monthly) or as an asset scale fee; typical asset scale fee is between 0.40% and 1.10% including GST.
Brokerage: typical fee is AUD$110minimum or 1.1% per transaction (whichever is greater), including GST.
Statement of Advice (SOA): Initial Advice preparation fees are charged based on the complexity of the advice provided. Implementation & documentation fees will be outlined in the Statement of Advice and are only payable if you decide to proceed with the advice. SOA, implementation & documentation fees are negotiable with each client and are generally subject to a minimum charge.
Global Share Trading
General advice only.