Phil Anderson & THE 18.6 Strategic Investment Portfolio
Phil Anderson
Director and Founder of Property Sharemarket Economics
Author ”The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking”
Investing in the stock market at the right time in the cycle is the priority of every serious investor.
And there’s no better expert than Phil Anderson and Akhil Patel to guide that timing.
Both are global economic cycle experts providing prescient insight into the 18.6 year Real Estate and Banking cycle.
And both are on the Investment Committee of the 18.6 Strategic Investment Portfolio.
You see, right now, in 2023, the timing is critical if you are considering investing in the stock market.
It’s the year to set up your investments and choose the right path to take advantage of the gains expected to come.
Think back from 2002 to 2007 when the market (Dow Jones Index) gained 100%, or a repeat from 1982 to 1987 when there was over a 250% increase.
** The graph reflects the views [and beliefs] of Oakleigh Investment Management Pty Ltd (‘OIM’) at the time of preparation, which are subject to change without notice. Readers are cautioned to not to place undue reliance on forward-looking estimates. No representations or warranties are made by OIM, its director or consultants, as to the accuracy and reliability of the graph.
Akhil Patel
Director and Founder of Property Sharemarket Economics
Principal policy advisor to the European Bank Development
You can see in the above chart that the timing has never been better, but preparing your stock market investments to take advantage of this timing takes skill, and time.
And if you don’t have the time or the skill where do you turn?
Markets don’t make it easy.
The news with all the confusion and, sometimes, false opinion, makes it even harder.
That’s why Phil Anderson and Akhil Patel have partnered with Oakleigh Investment Management to monitor and manage a bespoke stock market portfolio to be positioned through the Real Estate & Banking Cycle.
It’s a bespoke portfolio because there are certain sectors and stocks that, with the deep and intimate knowledge of the cycle that Phil and Akhil have, enable the right stocks to be added, at the right time.
It is the only true managed investment, that invests with the phases of the Real Estate and Banking cycle.
That also means when the peak of the cycle arrives it’s aiming to be positioned to preserve your capital.
Because holding on to the wealth you’ve gained is THE most important rule in markets.
It’s comforting to know that the investment portfolio is designed to do this for you later in the decade too.
Want to know more?
Then register your interest below or email enquire here.
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